Sloan Scholars will take part in a number of talks, lunches, and check-ins throughout each year of their time at Duke. This programming is designed to offer insights on intellectual and professional development, ensure that the Scholars are receiving the wellness support they need, and create opportunities to network with faculty and fellow students.

These events include:

Faculty talksShowcase of the interesting research being conducted by faculty in departments affiliated with the UCEM
Professional development workshopsIn addition to the robust professional development offerings that The Graduate School provides for all students, Sloan Scholars will have events specifically for them, addressing topics related to key transferable skills
Ongoing wellness workshopsDuke Counseling and Psychological Services will conduct regular workshops tailored to the needs of Sloan Scholars, addressing the experiences of students of color.
2 wellness check-ins per year with Graduate School deansEach Sloan Scholar will meet once per semester with a dean within The Graduate School to discuss any wellness concerns.
3 check-ins per year with Sloan Graduate InternEach fall, spring, and summer, the intern (a current Duke graduate student) will touch base with each Sloan Scholar to see how things are going. This provides an opportunity for Scholars to discuss their experiences and concerns with a fellow student rather than with administrators or faculty.
Joint program with BioCoREBioCoRE is a Duke-wide program designed to unify and enrich the bioscience community across the School of Medicine, The Graduate School, Trinity College, and the Pratt School of Engineering. Sloan Scholars will get the opportunity to tap into this diverse and inclusive community of researchers through monthly joint programs.
Sloan Research SummitThe Sloan Research Summit is a spring symposium where Sloan Scholars in select cohorts will present and discuss their research with faculty, other graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Departmental eventsFaculty champions in each Ph.D. program that has Sloan Scholars will plan gatherings for the Scholars and other students in the department. These gatherings will provide additional opportunities for Scholars to integrate into their departments and develop mentoring relationships with both faculty and fellow students.